When determining the fees for a particular class, you must first determine whether you are “in-district” or “out-of-district.” In-District residents are those who reside within the Barrington Park District boundaries and who pay taxes to the Barrington Park District. All others are out of district. Important: not all Village of Barrington residents are within the Barrington
Park District boundaries and therefore require the out-of-district rates. Please see the neighborhood lists below and check your tax statement to determine your residency status.

In-District Areas

Barrington Meadows, Chateaux Bourne, Chippendale, Eastwood, Fairfield, Fairhaven, Fielding Place, Flint Lake, Fox Point, Glen Acres, Hart Hills, Hillside Farms, Village Area, Jewel Park, Lakeview, Listhartke, Marmon, Oakdene, Otis, Park Barrington, Pickwick, Reserve of Barrington, Shire Deer Chase (Partial), Sandalwood, Shorely Woods, Steeplechase, Tall Trees, The Oaks, Westwood, Windrush, Wyngate.


Out-of-District Areas

Algonquin, Barrington Hills, Biltmore, Deer Park, Fox River Grove, Hartz Farm Estates, Haverton on the Pond, Hawthorn Woods, Heritage Hills, Inverness, Kildeer, Lake Barrington, Lake Zurich, Long Grove, North Barrington, Port Barrington, Shady Hill, South Barrington, Timberlake, Tower Lakes.